
Ticket2Ride Gives Oregon’s Youth Access to Transformative Outdoor Experiences
Research has shown that youth who have opportunities for hands-on learning outdoors are not only healthier, but they do better in school, show more interest in and are more proficient in science. Similarly, a young person’s understanding of history improves after visiting sites of cultural significance.
But for many youth, these outdoor experiences aren’t accessible – due simply to the high cost of transportation.
Since 2016, we have been able to make it possible for thousands of third through fifth graders in underserved communities – throughout the state – to participate in our Ticket2Ride program to experience nature first hand.
Help us get more Oregon kids outside and experiencing our parks Ticket2Ride puts nature within reach through transformative school programs. As little as $25 could provide an eager, underserved student with access to a day of hands-on learning in a park. Who knows what it could lead to – a career choice, discovery of their heritage, or even the discovery of exploration and wonder that will enhance their life for decades to come. YES, I WANT TO DONATE! |
A Far-Reaching Hands-on Environmental Education
For the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who visit Oregon parks, the experience can go far beyond a “day of fresh air.” Field trips like these can start a cascading effect that leads to family engagement with the outdoors, a better connection to natural conservation, and a greater understanding of the economic and environmental issues of the day.
There are parks all over Oregon, with beaches, rivers, mountains, canyons, forests, waterfalls, volcanoes, and fields all available as outdoors science labs! Oregon parks support and enhance learning for thousands of students each year offering inspirational & effective learning experiences.
Our parks are natural classrooms bursting with opportunity for students to capture their fascination with both science and history lessons (opportunities to learn about lumber, agriculture, the Oregon Trail, the Civilian Conservation Corps, etc.)
Getting students outside stimulates imagination, creativity and investigation, and enables them to connect with nature, experience the seasons and witness how the parks change over time.
Oregon’s School Children Access Our Parks! Your support of Ticket2Ride is a vital part of connecting more of our youth with Oregon’s parks. From a $25 gift to transport a single student to $500 to cover the cost of an entire classroom’s outdoor adventure, your support is greatly appreciated! YES, I WANT TO DONATE! |
Click here to learn more. Contact T2R@orparksforever.org with program and/or application questions and apply here for a Ticket2Ride grant.