Dear Friend,
Are you itching to get into nature? Are you dreaming of bluer skies? Frustrated that many of the most popular campsites are already booked? Join us to learn about some of the many other opportunities for camping on public lands in Oregon this summer.
The Summer Camping Webinar: Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 7:00 pm
We’re happy to share that summer camping opportunities are still available! While you may be frustrated that some of the most popular sites got booked quickly when the reservation window in State Parks was expanded to six months in advance, there are still plenty of other places you can camp and enjoy our gorgeous state. Join us as representatives of the Oregon Parks & Recreation Department, the US Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management talk about other options available to you to enjoy your summer adventure!
Wildfire Tree Replanting Campaign UPDATE

We have raised over $100,000 so far!
Our wildfire tree replanting campaign has been a success so far, but we still have a ways to go to reach our One Million Tree goal. You can still donate. Every dollar donated plants a tree! This week, all donations are being matched by iQ Credit Union!
We appreciate all of the support from our donors and volunteers – we could not have done this without you. If you’d like to know how your gift can make DOUBLE the impact, see the bottom of the newsletter about employer match.
Jefferson Public Radio: Opportunities and Challenges of Replanting
I was a guest on February 2nd on Jefferson Public Radio’s call-in show, the Jefferson Exchange, along with foresters from the US Forest Service, the Oregon Department of Forestry, and the Oregon Parks & Recreation Department. We were talking about the opportunities and complexities of replanting in the burned areas. Click below to listen…
Double Your Impact with Workplace Giving
Did you know that on average, one in 10 companies match employee donations? Maybe your employer would match your gift to Oregon Parks Forever, allowing your contribution to have twice theimpact?
Many companies provide this employee benefit and some even extend it to spouses and retirees. Ask your employer about completing a matching gift form to double or even triple the impact of your gift!
Thank you for taking the extra step to see if your gift can be matched by your employer to enhance the experience in Oregon’s beloved parks!
Please stay safe and be good to yourselves through this challenging time.

Seth Miller | Executive Director