On January 12, 2021 Oregon Parks Forever, a statewide nonprofit, announced the establishment of the Wildfire Tree Replanting Fund. The goal of the fund is to plant at least One Million Trees. Each dollar donated will plant a tree!
As of January 31, 2022, we have been able to fund the planting of 553,000 trees across the state at Collier State Park, Silver Falls State Park, the Ben & Kay Dorris State Recreation Area, North Santiam State Park, Cedar Butte, and in the Tillamook Forest – as well as parks in Josephine and Marion Counties.
Since the 1990’s, Oregon has seen significant increases in the number of acres burned statewide each year. 2020 saw the second largest number of acres burned since 1990 with more than one million acres of trees burned on Oregon lands. 2021 followed with a similarly devastating fire year, as well as a heat dome event that killed many trees in the Coast Range.
This comes at a time when the budgets of public land managers are already stressed due to ongoing funding challenges and the COVID pandemic. We anticipate these devastating ramifications of climate change to continue in the future and want to be ready to help.
Our goal is to help the public lands get replanted soon, so that in the future our children and grandchildren can enjoy the same green and lush forests and landscapes we have.
Why should we replant after a fire? Trees provide the very necessities of life. They clear our air, protect our drinking water, create healthy communities, and feed our souls. Our forests provide critical wildlife habitats, natural beauty and recreational opportunities. They sequester carbon and help reduce soil erosion by stabilizing slopes and preventing landslides.
We all sat in the smoke and wondered…What can I do? How can I help?
You can help us reach our goal to raise enough funds to plant at least ONE MILLION trees, to ensure that in the future these devastated areas will once again be lush and green!
Each dollar donated will plant one tree! You can make a donation online, send a Text Message on your phone to REPLANT at 41444, or mail a check to Oregon Parks Forever, 1501 SW Jefferson Street, Portland, OR 97201
How do we volunteer to help plant. Do you have a schedule of dates. I think I can get some of my children and grandchildren to help.
Hello Jay,
You will need to talk with the State Parks directly about volunteer opportunities for planting. You can reach their volunteer office through the toll-free number at 800-551-6949.