The New Year brings new appointments to our Board of Trustees. We are pleased to announce our new board officers for 2024:
Our new Board Chair is Kevin Price, an Oregon Parks Forever Trustee since 2022. He retired from the Oregon Parks & Recreation Department in 2018 after 35 years as Region Manager. He serves as a board member at SOLVE and Friends of the Columbia Gorge as well.
We extend our many thanks to Brigitte Sutherland, who served as chair for 3 years and has served on our Board since 2013. Brigitte, an accountant and shareholder with Perkins & Co., remains on our board.
Randy Jones, who joined the OPF board in 2021, has accepted the role of Vice-Chair. Randy is recently retired from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality as liaison for Eastern Oregon Regional Solutions. He is now working part-time for the agency.
Nathan Braschayko will serve as Treasurer. Nathan has been a public accountant since 2015 and works for the firm of Moss Adams, where he specializes in the real estate, professional services, and private closely held businesses. Nathan is new to our Board and replaces Katie DiBiase, also of Moss Adams, who was Treasurer for 2 year term.
Other members continuing as trustees include Brian Harney, the Smart Energy Program Manager for NW Natural, Jan McGowen, a consultant, who ran SOLVE from 1990 to 2008, and Eric Valentine who served as an Oregon trial judge for Union and Wallowa Counties for twenty years. After retiring, he filled in across the state as a Senior Judge for another ten years.

Katie DiBiase (left) Brigitte Sutherland (right)