Membership Benefits

Become a Sustaining Member

If you choose monthly or quarterly payments, your payments are smaller than an annual contribution,

Your membership remains current, renewing automatically until you tell us to stop (or your credit card expires).

Recurring gifts are efficient and paperless (no renewals sent in the mail),

Your recurring gift provides us with a predictable, reliable, steady stream of funds and,

We spend less on fundraising efforts and more on our projects and programs!

If you sign up for recurring gifts with paypal, you never have to worry about your credit card expiration.


Join Oregon Parks Forever’s membership, and you will be doing good by supporting our work to improve experiences in Oregon’s parks and forests.
Receive complimentary gifts at the levels below
special members’ discount on most items in our store, a subscription to print magazine, 1859, and all e-publications.

Park Fan Up to $55

Donate Up to $55 PARK FAN
You will become part of a growing community that is helping to enhance, preserve, and protect special places and experiences
in parks and forests throughout Oregon, in addition, you will have the following benefits:

Our Monthly eNewsletter featuring interesting, timely information about Oregon’s parks and forests.

Park Advocate $56-74

Invitation to “members only” webinars
Discount in Oregon Parks Forever online store – 10%
Our Monthly eNewsletter featuring interesting, timely information about Oregon’s parks and forests.

PARK CHAMPION $75 – $124

Annual Subscription to 1859, Oregon’s Magazine
10% Discount in Oregon Parks Forever online store
Our Monthly eNewsletter featuring interesting, timely information about Oregon’s parks and forests
Invitation to “members only” webinars
*You always have the option to decline to receive 1859 and allow 100% of your donation to go to support our work.

And you’ll be making a Tax Deductible Donation to Oregon Parks Forever
to support our work to enhance and preserve special places and experiences in Oregon’s parks and forests.

*Select “No Gift Please” at checkout and 100% of your gift will be tax-deductible and go to fully support our programs.

Park Explorer $125 – 249

Donate as an Explorer and as a thank you gift, you will receive
Seasonal premiums
Annual Subscription to 1859, Oregon’s Magazine (valued at $18.59)*.
Invitation to “members only” webinars.
Our Monthly eNewsletter featuring interesting, timely information about Oregon’s parks and forests.
10% off purchases in the Oregon Parks Forever Online Store, excludes membership bundles and park passes.

And you’ll be making a Tax Deductible Donation to Oregon Parks Forever to support our work to enhance and preserve special places
and experiences in Oregon’s parks and forests.
Select “No Gift Please” at checkout and 100% of your gift will be tax-deductible and go to fully support our programs.

Park Adventurer $250 – 499

Join at the Adventurer level and as a thank you gift, you will receive
Seasonal premiums
Annual Subscription to 1859, Oregon’s Magazine (valued at $18.59)*.
Invitation to “members only” webinars.
Our Monthly eNewsletter featuring interesting, timely information about Oregon’s parks and forests.
10% off purchases in the Oregon Parks Forever Online Store, excludes membership bundles and park passes.

And you’ll be making a Tax Deductible Donation to Oregon Parks Forever to support our work
to enhance and preserve special places and experiences in Oregon’s parks and forests.

*Select “No Gift Please” at checkout and 100% of your gift will be tax-deductible and go to fully support our programs.

Park Directors Circle $500 -999

Join the Directors Circle level and as a thank you gift, you will receive
A Northwest Forest Pass, honored at all day use, standard amenity recreation fee sites
managed by the Forest Service in national forests in Washington and Oregon. (Valued at $30)
Annual Subscription to 1859, Oregon’s Magazine (valued at $18.59)*.
Invitation to “members only” webinars.
Our Monthly eNewsletter featuring interesting, timely information about Oregon’s parks and forests.
10% off purchases in the Oregon Parks Forever Online Store, excludes membership bundles and park passes.

And you’ll be making a Tax Deductible Donation to Oregon Parks Forever to support our work
to enhance and preserve special places and experiences in Oregon’s parks and forests.

*Select “No Gift Please” at checkout and 100% of your gift will be tax-deductible and go to fully support our programs.